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Tarkov everone problems reddit

  • Tarkov everone problems reddit. You will be matched against people who you can kill after your elo is adjusted regardless of the gear. There's a post on that subreddit going in great detail how Nikita, the person leading the company developing the game, admits in a 2017 public event in Russia that cheaters are rather nice for online games, especially if there are premium features to buy that could make the players feel like they can get a chance. I watch a lot of tarkov streamers. Acti/Infinity Ward never likened it to Tarkov, the community did that. basically, cheaters sells items to get money, and BSG makes money from cheaters buying more accounts. Grayzone is not going to be a threat to Tarkov at all. I am still trying to fix this by changing the MTU on the network adapters, but it seem that something changes constantly. This is my second wipe, i have reached max (last wipe) and almost max traders (this wipe), i played a couple hundred hours and spend enormous amounts of time off the game with research. While we’re having a thread about clarifying this issue, I want to make sure people are clear about what the bug is: The players aren’t “invisible” in the first place, they effectively don’t exist on your client, which is why you cannot shoot them even if you know where they are exactly. I think im just addicted to the rush. But yeah I’m guilty of getting tilted as well haha Tarkov will break the best of them lol Just because you don’t have control over how you got killed, doesn’t mean everyone that kills you is a hacker. Sometimes it would crash my browser and discord as well, sometimes just the game, and a few times my whole PC would restart! I monitor my Temps and it never overheats. Everyone and I mean everyone when approaching extract thinks about it. They come to bitch after they died 5 runs in a row trying to do a quest and are at an emotional breaking point. The only thing that changes, is which sights are bugged. Also on other maps you got enough cheaters to feel the difference, I got a lot of situations people know excatly my postion and cant know where iam. So the point of the game is to escape from Tarkov, to do that you need to escape from 10 levels, all of increasing difficulty (that may also be fused together to be one giant escape map, but thats tbd) Anyways, you have a pretty generous amount of time to escape from each level, and when you pass the final 10th level, it unlocks a Yeah but the whole game would never have existed by doing what people want. Find detailed discussion of meta, esports and events as well as guides, advice, and tips that go beyond the basics. ' Tarkov scopes render using picture in picture meaning you're basically rendering two scenes at once when scoped in. Yea that's the idea. I can't count on all hands and toes the amount of times I've survived a lopsided fight in DayZ for example by simply having better positioning. No one is saying that. . Just make it look semi-normal at the very least. Thats not how you learn tarkov. I don't extract camp but it certainly keeps you on your toes. Live Tarkov runs phenomenal but spt for some reason does not. And even when you in raid destroy that juicy pistoling with backpack for his sweet sweet loot, you go to the centralized market of Tarkov where EVERYONE from EVERYWHERE can trade his goodies, like that key worth 25 million roubles and you sit there watching him like "Damn, I wish I would have the money" while scratching your forehead with an ak-74. They made a pure profit of 2 mill in 2022 that is after all expenses. I was suspicious of everything and everyone, and the game lost all sense of fun. Although a well placed shot to the eyes or jaw will kill you pretty much in every case unless bad ammo and face shield. hey not sure if this helps but i have the same problem happend after 7 days of the wipe. My computer: - Ryzen 5 3600 - RTX 2060 Super - 16GB RAM 2400mhz (2x8) - SSD for S. It is exactly like PUBG before it died, when it was at its peak and a brand new genre of game that everyone was excited about. Often in 3-4man squads, trying to shoot you through walls, too bad they are very bad if they don’t have aim assist or aimbot. However, I am done with this game. thats supposed to be the most enjoyable time of Tarkov is an unoptimized, technically buggy mess, because it's a beta for a game that still has a lot of expanding and modifying to do. Hello everyone! I've been having some problems with tarkov and its performance. Tiny ass maps with no npcs, no loot, old ass, low res tarkov graphics and performance is an issue? Im sorry, what? The whole point of this mode is to be in and out quick and play Tarkov without the fps, network and matching problems that come from large maps with a lot of stuff going on. The game has tons of inherent problems (technical issues, beta issues, still creating content, hackers, etc). Tarkov is not and has never been unique in this regard. There was a ban wave pretty recently, it allegedly hit a pretty big and widely used cheat. This is the place for discussion and news about the game, and a way to interact with developers and other players. Some people are trying to kill 1 or 2 scavs for a quest they've been stuck on for a week, some people are looting containers trying to be the next Elon Musk and yes. - Raises hand - To survive, we have to adapt to the environment, so we become rats, which is akin to being something like PMC Scavs. So the cheaters are all playing that one game mode. When using this option Tarkov uses about 30% more CPU than without. There are so many variables that effect accuracy in EFT, but they never change the fundamentals that are universal to ALL FPS games. So when Tarkov's servers send you IPV4 packets, your ISP translates that data to IPV6 packets, since that's the only thing you can receive. Depends on the stage of a wipe. Depends if you have the mental wherewithal honestly. The reports you get aren’t great in the moment but once you stop reporting everyone and learn mistakes you remember the moments you report. And what's worse is that if you actually strictly follow the definitions set by General Sam, the terms fail to describe a bunch of other playstyles. Come on North-EU servers. This always drops your fps by 10-30%, on most maps it's not noticeable but you are dropping hard in fps every time It's a skill you very slowly get good at from hundreds of raids. There are plenty of cheaters. The cheaters are such a large portion of the EFT population that it is nearly impossible to play the game outside of very slow times and even then I have 1/3 of my games where someone is doing some very questionable gameplay. Love and hate is tarkov. Let's face it, some players in Tarkov can't hit the wide side of a barn point blank. 5 (and crossing my fingers. Kill anything you HAVE to kill. The problem is that I have no idea or information why I got falsely flagged as a cheater(?) by BattlEye in Escape from Tarkov. Not saying that Grayzone is going to be trash, I hope it’s great, but it isn’t similar enough to threaten Tarkov in any way, shape or form. You can lose your loot as well. For example sometimes 1449 would show a reply but sometimes I have to bump it down to 1390 to see a reply and not get the "need fragmented. The only thing fun about Tarkov at this point is that people are actually still trying to play this broken mess that will either screw your experience over with technical issues, or cheaters. The difference is how much it bothers us and everyone is different in that regard. But if we are talking about enjoyable PVP then I feel like you are downplaying the problem for sure. I have really enjoyed it so far, I think BSG's biggest mistake not releasing this for everyone (let alone EOD) is not realizing how many people would probably pick up the game again knowing there is a more casual experience out there. Hello everyone, In this post i go to explain how i fix (at the momento) my problema with the low FPS + Stutters. Sorry to break it to you, but people cheat not because its fun, they do it because they can farm up to 30 mil rub per evening snd sell out everything immediately to grindhaters and Which they actively do. While it is true that you’ll hoard and end up playing Tetris no matter the stash size, the difference is in the early game where EoD players can fill their stash with armors, high slot rigs, and guns that you can’t access yet while standard players are forced to vendor them for space and use worse gear from LL1 traders. 000 of cheaters, server issues and so on were all pretty bad but inertia just changes the core mechanics of the When they know enough, they will do a ban wave targeting everyone who uses it. You can script your self as a hatchet and learn the matches, or you can actually learn tarkov. Heyo reddit, I have a little question if you don't mind answering. I can't play the game, every other minute I get error "server connection lost" and I cant do anything about it. Simply adjust the Gemma level of your monitor can drastically improve your visibility, in other words, this is a problem that you can do something about, cheaters and desync, on the other hand, you can do little to nothing. Especially when your getting out with that much needed quest item or 80kg of phatlootz. How many years has cod been around and its the same fucking game that everyone throws their 60$ at every single year. You are playing a game where the point is to kill everyone so that they do not kill you and take all your stuff. Funny thing is, Tarkov is awesome exactly because playing slow and „camping“ is viable. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online Some of you dont remember just how fucking horrible recoil was, thanks bsg for fixing Tarkov is fun, it's addicting, and it has very exciting gameplay. it must also be said that they may not have chosen the best engine to develop the game, but that's another topic. 3% minimum of daily concurrent players cheating. The problem is, BSG servers are not sending IPV4 packets with the necessary information to have a smooth translation to IPV6, which results in huge chunks of data simply not reaching the client. It's been going on forever. Dec 31, 2022 · Hi everyone, I know that the error "Server connection lost" while playing is already known and I did read and researched internet for the fix before creating this topic here. tl;dr / cliff notes version. Also the 'playing around it' part. In tarkov they get free reign to just accuse literally everyone because there's no way to verify their claim unless they get a ban report a few days later or the killer happens to be a streamer like in your example. You can see here what my memory usage looks like less than two minutes into a Reserve raid (you can see the graph climb from loading screen to being in-game), and while Reserve is a big problem, other maps stutter and freeze similarly too. Every streamer NA/EU is getting it. I, for example, don't have a big problem with my studders but it's annoying. This is a great review, thanks for writing this up. So I went into the launcher and had them repaired, but the game still isn’t launching. true. Due to this, Tarkov runs different for everone. i get sometimes game aborted (2 or3 times an hour or sometimes only 1 time the day) and my ping spikes to +500ms and stays at the same number for at least 10 sec befor getting back to normal only happends in tarkov. But cmon. You have to do whatever you have to do to survive. I firmly feel that there should be a time unlock for the rest of flea, it would make newer players joining in the middle of wipe feel much more comfortable and older players can actually enjoy It's not new. I know this game really good and im not bad in this game. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, join us and take your gaming experience to the next level! And this is one of my problems with the Rat/Chad terms. Since the VPN provider does not have DS Lite, there are no disconnections now. It's not my mic because I will talk in game at the start of every raid until my discord starts working. So if you're like me and have your CPU split between the game and OBS, its actually worse to enable this option. Take this end of wipe to just focus on learning maps, the different mechanics of the game, how the quests work, etc. A hyperthread/smt thread is weaker than a physical core as it is virtual core made up of the unused segment of a physical core hence why we don't want Tarkov to use one as it results in slower performance. The greatest enemy in Tarkov is the thought that someone might be holding an angle, overlooking a crossing, sitting in a room/bush or coming up from behind. Camping is a legitimate strategy. You bought an unfinished product = there is a lot of work to be done = "don't care how much they work" Here’s an interesting way to fix this while (maybe) working on quest rework: GROUP UP a bunch of quests based on early/middle/end wipe. Customs became a particular issue after the most recent expansion, and Shoreline noticeably becomes worse Adds some perspective to how much BSG actually makes. So, since yesterday the game has been unplayable for me, basically when it finds a match and it loads all the resources my game stays at 1 fps for like 3 minutes, even when I load into the game I have BIG 1fps stutters for the whole game. Which makes sense. (Yes there are definately cheaters, yes, it's stupid that speed hacks are not detected by default, yes it's stupid that they don't ban ppl who sell 30+ LEDX when they are level 15. 11 votes, 27 comments. My rig isnt the newest or greatest but decent enough to get stable fps in game. I have a very powerful pc and play in 1440P. I generally feel rewarded when I extract a successful raid, but I would rarely describe myself has having "fun" when I play. I don’t understand how people played through old tarkov and the current tarkov (12. Most new players in a western country, i assume, pick USEC because they'd identify more with that character. As for the way desync has gotten better I feel ESP isn’t as strong and once you get a feel for where people are at from audio cues. But they can be useful (as many other discussions in other threads were) about new issues potentially cheats arise. Hopefully Tarkov can fix this problem before it rots away the player base like the cycle before they fixed their issues. Okay, here's the quick rundown. It's like League, everyone talks about how much they hate that game if they play it but you keep going back despite its bullshit. Is the server down? Log-in not working? Here you see what is going on. Thats Tarkov It's especially unfriendly for a new player and takes a lot of willpower and motivation to learn the maps and how to navigate them but thats honestly part of the fun. ) Yes, Tarkov has a lot of cheaters and yes it is a problem that BSG has even addressed publicly multiple times so we know it's rampant enough to worry them. TBH, one of the things I love most about BSG is their apparent resistance to outside influence. Even if it doesnt feel like it, something is done. This is the simplest solution to stop the p2w problem since everyone would start off with no advantage of getting expanded pockets, gamma, extra guns, extra stash space, extra guns on start of wipe and every other advantage. If you think this game has a cheater problem then hold a well traveled area at an angle no one looks at and see how much you get swung head eyesd. As I developed a better sense of purpose and direction in my life, and found more meaning in my actual job, I began to reminisce about the incredible fun I used to have playing Tarkov. Flying people, speedhacks, they were all brought to light in threads like these and other platforms like reddit. Yes. Tarkov begins when you go straight to the traders, buy a gun you have never used, ATTEMPT to put an attachment on it. I, like everyone else hate what is happening there but don't compare a game from like 2016 to current events. The unofficial subreddit for discussions and updates on the video game Escape From Tarkov by BattleState Games. The mp5 is probably one of the easiest guns to master hipfire for, as you can actually see the stream of rounds and correct aim on the fly using the rounds only until you muscle memory where the center is. We all have to keep in mind there is a reason why tarkov is such a unique and great game, it’s very much part of the whole dna of bsg, being stubborn with their vision is sometimes the right path, it’s a fine line to know when to back off and let the community decide. Yeah, I have met some super chill streamers of Tarkov but this particular streamer called cheats on the next raid when the guy was defo not cheating in the slightest . The game is still amazing but yeah this game got some problems also with cheaters. It's insane that people think it is. When a new a player comes to this sub Reddit and sees dozens of dozens of cheater posts with people complaining that cheaters everywhere and cheaters never get banned and cheaters are real problem and everyone dies to cheaters they get discouraged and push towards getting cheats themselves because the narrative implies that cheating is just something that happens. Not to mention, Tarkov has only ONE PAID game mode. Its a lot more like 1 in 15. To get a reliable connection, it is advisable to choose another ISP that either deliberately does not have DS Lite or at least offers a public IPv4 option. Bruh this game has nothing to do with Ukraine. Those people can currently only come to forums like this sub where they're drowned out by the horde of Nikita knobslobbers and buried by the stupid karma system. As soon as the video was released, I quit immediately and swore off Tarkov. O People don't come to Reddit, Twitter or other forms of social media to bitch when they had a good day of Tarkov. The cheater discords have thousands and thousands of active members. I think they word it more like rewarding. Don't trust the internet frustrated kids. It still doesn't fix the issue, but it is a step closer to transparent communication to the community. Tarkov has a massive learning curve so it’s going to take some time for you and your friends to learn the game and begin to play better. Thank God for tarkov and I hope BSG looks at all the complaining with a badge of honor. I like it a lot! Keep up the good work and keep making Tarkov more awesome. as long as tarkov stays on everyone's lips and is played enough, i see no problem with it ever being finished. Yay, fun. People are not equal skill and some tarkov players will be shit regardless of gear and will be matched against people who are good but low gear that is how elo works in this case. Developing a game is expensive and maintaining it 24/7 also involves extra costs. Feb 27, 2023 · It's a repeating pattern that's left some of Tarkov's biggest fans extremely unconvinced, even if calling the cheaters "bastards" this time spiced it up a bit. We offer gameplay clips, discussions, and support, with a strong community and various events. Tarkov was 10x better back in the day cause it actually required skill. Shoreline resort is flooded with chinese cheaters using VOIP. Do you really believe that you are supposed to play by so called 'rules'? No. Go watch any streamer and you'll see stuttering and most of them have amazing PC's. Their FOV and point of aim has been completely fucked since the beginning. BSG are putting in the work because they are now fully aware of everyone’s issues. It’s basically a more casual Tarkov that isn’t so punishing. so that when the game wipes, you’re starting fresh with everyone but also have some The terrible audio plus the broken covert movement is making me not want to play at all until they fix this shit, which sucks, because I took a break from Tarkov for like 2 months or more and was excited to jump back in. So, yes, this isn't tarkov's biggest problem, a very serious problem, yes, but not the biggest one, not by a long shot. For example, delivery in the past will be grouped up with a bronze pocket watch along with a bunch of others, and all punishers will be grouped together. Perhaps based on account playtime, idk. But the problem is not 60%) /r/pathoftitans is the official Path of Titans reddit community. It fixed the loading loot time but the raid timer was off by minutes and claiming crafts required a game restart after every raid. Basicly my fps is jumping around 70-120 and its super annoying and borderline unplayable to play because of the stutters and graphical problems (shadows and terrain being extra laggy). I don't really get what that means. We need some kind of trusted match making queue. The problem is with 1&1 and not with EfT, it can not be fixed. Streets is usually around 45fps all other maps will say 150-200fps but my game will be very stuttery and feel like a slideshow. as some fellow players had said, cheaters make tarkov money, tarkov make cheaters money. A place for in-depth discussions of Competitive Overwatch™ (the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment). It would usually crash when joining into a match. " Recently, a new edition called The Unheard Edition has caused quite a stir among fans of the game. But despite all of these major problems people still keep coming back to let tarkov punch them in the balls. The goal isn't to kill everyone in the server, it's to simply survive. It also touches on something I love about Tarkov: you can play it however you want. But, as a whole, it definitely does share aspects with tarkov and those other games. Hey everyone, I started playing again this wipe and I was having a problem with the game crashing every so often. Fundamentally, Tarkov hit a goldmine when it comes to its loop, hence the reason the other version of Tarkov is so popular despite BSGs stance against it. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, join us and take your gaming experience to the next level! Not to mention about a naked Mosin man at labs jumping and headshoting everyone mid-air trough the doors. It’s raid based, you loot, do quests, extract, etc. Early wipe everyone has trash ammo so a basic LVL 3 armor helmet will save your noggin from a headshot, later everyone has good ammo to slice you up. Really looking forward to 11. Nobody is saying that there are no cheaters in Tarkov, in fact there's a lot. from that, BSG could make some extra quick cash. Bring that sucker in, and just play. It made last wipe's mid wipe feel so boring, everyone was running the same gun, with the same bullets, and the same armor; It gets repetitive FAST. Hey everyone, I hadn’t played Tarkov in a long time and decided I wanted to boot it back up again, but it said my files were corrupted. Now I just have to hope my RNG recoil lands and my input lag movement due to inertia will let me get to cover You quit Tarkov, but it's still living rent free in your little brain. Path of Titans is an MMO dinosaur video game being developed for home computers and mobile devices. People literally just make shit up. Now it looks like to PK-06 is bugged so everyone is back on the weaver. This story has been around long before Tarkov btw, those event took place during contract wars. 183 votes, 153 comments. The difference is how fast they are caught. Literally only had a bad experience so far at the start of the wipe. But Tarkov also has a lot of problems and has likely alienated a fuck ton of people over the years who dislike the technical state of the game or BSG's decision making. Tenth - Painkillers blurring the edge of your vision and making things look wild shouldn't be a thing in Tarkov or Arena. Labs is nearly unplayable. It's Tarkov, what else is new. There isn't really any actual reason why this option should make Tarkov use so much more processing power, but it does for me. The game can always be playable since you can just walk around and loot, lag doesn't matter at all. Also, I got a hand paralysis with "hands are busy" message and died because of it, or loaded into a raid with a gun dealing no dmg (shot a scav like a 15 times). Tarkov was an absolute mess 6 months ago with the worst audio of any game, the worst desync of any game, and literal invisible players - and of course the Goat video. And I am scared that if i play another BattlEye controlled game at the moment i might get falsely flagged in there as well. 13) and say current tarkov is better. People really don't know how General Same actually defined them. at the cost of the player experience of EFT. And they call everyone who kills them a cheater. In COD/Warzone you have 1. Nov 7, 2023 · People will cry anyway, sure, not sure anything we can do to stop that. That kind of speaks for itself. Ton of new servers added, a ton of bugs fixed + working on the backend to fix the server problems. In Tarkov you have 5% minimum of daily concurrent players cheating. Some guns are easier to get good at with hip fire than others. The reputation is gone and anyone giving any reasonable review of the game mentions cheaters as the main plague of Tarkov. Tarkov really seems to have an issue with illusory superiority complex players that think every time they get killed, it’s because someone was hacking and not because they got outsmarted, outskilled or unlucky. The weaver used to be bugged, so everyone went with the pk-06. Just because its you doesnt mean its not for others like why does everyone say that instantly? i asked the support they said the same thing thats a known issue they wanna fix it but they didnt change it at all in the whole time like i said these ISSUES are OLD , BSG removed the MPR back up sight directly later i will make a video to show you what i mean the support sent me when i asked about it I would love to continue to play sp Tarkov but for some reason the game runs horrendous for me. Recent issue revolving around the good ol tarkov that has made it completely un-playable i can join a raid and play fine up until maybe the 5 minute mark everyone in my group will see me stand still but i can still damage them pick up items and so on and then about 2 minutes later connection lost discord cuts out but Internets fine only way to reconnect to discord and tarkov is to close it but Welcome to the Tarkov subreddit! Find information, insights, and camaraderie for players of Escape from Tarkov. You're literally always on painkillers in arena. If you want to deal with cheater problem, you need to put tarkov off online ingame currency shops, where 99% of hackers sell money/btc/quests/maxed out accs. So when we ask for the damn game to be fixed and add things to reduce cheating (such as getting off the Client Side Networking model to a Server Side One) we dont want to fucking hear that money is the problem. others are there for PvP, but not everyone is in THAT raid doing the same thing as you bro. Its more in line with games like rust. It works for everyone, the only exception is how long you can do it for while maintaining focus (and thus minimizing unforced errors). Edit: I also think the term desync is over used in tarkov and too generalised, Desync describes server de-synchronisation from your client, but in most instances that I have seen its more of a "peekers advantage" or ping related issue. Optimizing it now would make future development more difficult. Im not certain BSG has even claimed tarkov is supposed to be fun. Fights with inertia feel like two wreckingballs are trying to shoot each other, I uninstalled the game, every fight just feels terrible, like you are playing somebody who can't controll his movement at all, I won't install the game anymore, every other issue was somehow bareable, 10. Until I can play Tarkov again I also play BattlEye controlled games such as ARMA3, DayZ and PUBG. I tried this like 2 months ago and it completely broke my tarkov In game clock. First of all, sorry for my english, usually is bad, but now on my country is 4:40 am, so now is worst xD. Many players, streamers, and other members of the gaming community are actively discussing the new features, including the option to pay for upgrades and access PvE (Player versus Environment) content, along with so-called 'bonuses. They made a very hard game and they should be proud of it!!!!! Welcome to the Tarkov subreddit! Find information, insights, and camaraderie for players of Escape from Tarkov. First off, this is not supposed to be a salty "game bad" post but rather an evaluation of my time spend with the game. 17 votes, 14 comments. There's not a single online game out there that doesn't have cheaters. But even though Tarkov has been a huge hit on Twitch for 4 years now, nobody would make a straight-forward Tarkov ripoff with better desync, audio, etc. Your masterpiece is a one of a kind on the market. Use a map, use your geographical references, landmarks, etc to determine your orientation and position and then then double tap O to see your available extractions and move in that direction. Now, as for aim in tarkov. Now we don't need third party downdetectors anymore to see if Tarkov is currently having load issues. But just because someone claims cheating doesn't mean there was actually any cheating involved in that particular claim. The below is a Guide intended to help instruct good thought patterns and an emphasis on Strategy and Success, written in the style of The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. Which albeit is a great response. The terms are terrible. Real-time outages and problems for Escape from Tarkov. Arena does not. Like Tarkov is using too much memory or CPU usage - I can hear everyone in game and in discord yet they just can't hear me. Camping extract is dirty and greasy as fuck but it's part of what makes Tarkov the game it is. 12-0. It has all the worst parts of tarkov copy and pasted into a new Unity Project with a new price tag attached. I can count on one hand how many times that's happened in my 800~ hours of Tarkov. Imo, its because people are quitting once we get to the point in the wipe that most questers are on the Shoreline segment of things. Which was the previous game. pdtzm cnjyde uqeo wkim eahy ceryev ukxnyc ymjswi aflru wjxqv